sabato 29 settembre 2012

Lele Leo&their favorite sneakers

Io e Leo amiamo qualsiasi tipo di sneakers. Le Golden Goose sono senz'altro tra quelle che preferiamo e poi cosa c'è di più bello che indossare le stesse scarpe?

Leo and I love  sneakers. Golden Goose is certainly our favorite one and in any case what could be better than wearing the same shoes?

Have a LOVELY week end
xoxo Lelli


7 commenti:

  1. Matching shoes! The best. Have a great weekend.

    xo Lilly

  2. such cute photos~~~~~~


  3. ...una domanda mi assale: vedremo mai la cesy indossare un paio di sneakers???...

    1. Fili today we bought a pair of sneakers also for cesy ..... nothing else?

      xoxo Lelli

  4. haha my little sister also went through her favourite shoes phase. She would wear the same pair for every occasion- even when she had other pairs of shoes to choose from. thank you for following my blog! yours is quite lovely :)

  5. Lelli you are so incredible, I would bet that those were your favorite sneakers!!

    Have a great saturday

    xx Alex

  6. thank you~ Such a sweet comment~



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