lunedì 29 ottobre 2012

It's Monday 29th

LEO - ONE years old

Someone told me that:

- Sun will shine for all the Winter IF YOU WANT!!!
- Obama will win the election ... YES YOU CAN
- A new Leonardo .... Da Vinci was born
- Artists will save the world
- Italy is on a distinguished road
- Santa Claus exists

Someone told me that:

- Daddy Lele yesterday he sprained his ankle ......someone told me that .....

Dicono che

- il sole splenderà per tutto l'inverno SE LO VUOI
- Obama vincerà le elezioni ... YES YOU CAN
- stia per nascere un nuovo Leonardo .... Da Vinci
- gli artisti salveranno il mondo
- l'Italia sia sulla buona strada
- Babbo Natale esiste

Dicono che

Daddy Lele ieri si sia slogato una caviglia ...... dicono .....

Have a good  week our readers, followers, FRIENDS!!!!

XO LeoLelli Family

11 commenti:

  1. ...daddy lele come stai???...
    ...un saluto da singapore!!!...

  2. Beautiful!!! thank you so much for your visit!!!
    Have a good week! and my G+ for you...

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  3. Dicono che l'Italia sia sulla buona strada...per dove però non si sa...

  4. Lovely post! I believe the sun will shine for all the Winter if we want!!! You have a great blog! I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin’? I promise I’ll follow you back <3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  5. you always leave such sweet comments :) HE is so adorable btw~ Looove the hat~ ;)


  6. che palle il lunedì...

  7. thank you!
    you have a great blog too :)

  8. great post :) thanks for stopping by the blog

  9. Thank you so much Lelli!!! I’m following you back now :)
    Unfortunately you haven't “bloglovin”, but if you decide to add it on your blog, please let me know, and we can follow each other there as well, it's an easier way to keep in touch ;)
    Hope you have a wonderful day and a happy week<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"


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