domenica 7 ottobre 2012

Things that make me happy Saturday

Saturday 06th of October
It was a sunny Saturday

I spent my time with Leo
I bought some fruits in a old grocery store; I bought a greeting card in a old stationery
I saw the colors of Autumn
I met an interesting mumy with her baby
I noted old toys
 I granted Leo to have his first tatoo
I had a dinner with my family at "Lon Fon", the best Chinese restaurant in Milan (Lazzaretto street n.10), I eat the best steamed ravioli, I met the lovely Pui/Angela, I looked Leo eating Chinese food

That's all...... have an happy Sunday my friends

xoxo Daddy Lele from Lelli, italian fashion family

6 commenti:

  1. Questo commento è stato eliminato da un amministratore del blog.

  2. ...I love leo's camouflage sweater...

  3. Questo commento è stato eliminato da un amministratore del blog.

  4. So adorable~


  5. wow daddy Lele you are so poetic .....


  6. Leo' is a DNA confirmation...


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